How it Works

GroupnShop combines a terrific mix of features, making it the perfect site to connect with your neighbours, create a group, and buy, sell and rent stuff.

Secure Easy Signup through email or Google.

Freedom to find and join a group or groups you like or create your own group and invite friends and neighbours to join.

Quick Post (QPost) an item to set your price, post your item and sell it without having to join or create a group. QPost is where you post items you are selling to the entire GroupnShop community, by simply entering the details of your items, setting your price and then waiting for offers.

Group Post (GPost) is where you post your item for auction within one or more groups that you belong to, and then start the auction. The item is available for bidding for up to 48 hours, when the posting automatically expires.

Invite friends and neighbours to join the groups that you’re part of. Any member of a group can invite other members to join the group.

Follow items that have caught your eye so you can bid in the auction (Group Post) or make an offer (Quick Post).

Rent It is where you post an item for rent to the entire GroupnShop community. Simply enter the details of your item, set the rental fee, include a delivery and return service and fee (if you want to), and set the damage deposit amount.

Owners are able to post/advertise items for rent at no cost to them.

Giveaway items using either Quick Post or Group Post. Just check the box marking the price as Free.

Easily message the Seller (when buying) or Owner (when renting) to ask questions about the item, or arrange pickup/delivery.

Easily share postings with other friends on social media or on email.

Code of Conduct is established by each group, aimed to ensure a friendly and safe environment for group members to communicate, share, buy, sell and rent. The Code of Conduct for each group is outlined on the Profile page for each group, for potential or existing members to view.

© 2024 GroupnShop Corporation. All Rights Reserved.